Becoming Money Wise
By:"Phil Strong","Joshua Moore"
Published on 2008 by Maruki Books
WiseMoney - take control of your finances and create your future is based on the seminars that Phil Strong has been delivering to audiences throughout NZ since 2004, when he realised that financial literacy is at the root of most family challenges, and that our young adults are growing up, earning money and yet have no idea how to get ahead of the financial treadmill they find themselves on of money in-money out and nothing left over. While there are other great books on finance, investment and on how and why most people either don't make it or they explore the reasons why some people are successful - Phil believes there are fundamental issues not being addressed as to how the basics need to be dealt with before moving ahead to better understanding where to put your money when you have some spare. This book is all about taking control of your money and financial habits, getting clear of debt in order to have a great lifestyle. Aimed mainly at under 30 year olds, who may have student debt, are settling into careers and starting families, this book is exceptionally useful for anyone of any age who has never mastered their credit card, mortgage or ability to save and pay cash for things they want.
This Book was ranked 23 by Google Books for keyword money.